When Parents Run Out of Games For Their Children

kids get bored, before playing free games on https://plays.org

I have always felt that I have to balance, when I let children play at home and when children have to play with friends around them. As a wife I also have to balance when it is time for me to buy the toys that is expensive and when I can save by giving free games. In essence, everything must be balanced and always have educational content, so that my child grows normally with a balance between playing and studying with the financial capabilities in our family.

Then the pandemic came, and things changed. My son is no longer free to play outside, my son is no longer easy to play with his friends, including those who live around our house. Everything is limited. At the start of the pandemic I felt I could passed it easier. I continue to provide various games, I also play with them so they don't get too bored at home. and of course to prevent them from feeling depressed. any game is entertainment for us as a family.

In this times, We have to be able to enjoy this situation, we have to always feeling happy, because if we are in a bad mood then the immunity in our body will go down and that's dangerous, right? That's why as a parent I have to always be creative in making children able to play in the midst of a pandemic that has lasted more than 1 year.

By the way, I have 3 children. they are 10 years old, 6 years old and 4 years old which are the ages of playful children who are energetic and always thinking all the time, ow I think they just stop talking and thinking while sleeping. every day there is something they do and they tend to get bored easily when they are done playing it.

When the pandemic comes

When the first 6 months of pandemic, I was still able to facilitate my child with various games. I even provide a special budget to buy toys so that the atmosphere changes. School lessons that are not too many activities and only limited to learning through zoom make children run out of activity ideas. Actually I really want my children to be able to play as I have played since childhood. not because my games are great, but old games tend to sharpen the brain and think a lot without having to be addicted, just normal.

One day I managed to get 40 free games through a computer store, they were played offline and many old games, such as tetris, pinball, zuma and so on. But because of the pandemic situation and confining the children at home, it turned out that the 40 games had been played out before a month. For real? yes.. How am I not dizzy as an old man. I'm out of ideas, I'm out of games.

When I found plays.org

Until finally accidentally when I was googling for freegames I found the https://plays.org site, it was https://plays.org is a free children's games site that provides more than 100 educational and online children's games, also with various genres in the catalog. Maybe all of you want to know how it looks like. So, I share some pictures that I screenshot from the web, hope it can help you to find them.

opening of website plays.org


I was surprised because inside I found there were many classics games that I used to play when I was little like Tetris, pinball, pacman, snake and so on. I want to introduce to my children for a long time that my childhood games were very fun, and it turns out that after they tried to play them, they liked it too. all the games there are quite easy to play but still educate the child's brain to think fast and move precisely, it seems like I rewind my childhood story. 

This is a picture I took when I saw my children playing Pac-Rat, this toy is inspired by Pac-Man. so much fun about a mouse eating a lot of cheese. you can showing this game to you children by click this Pac-Rat games.

Not only children, I also often feel bored because the pandemic has kept me at home for quite a long time. So I also like to play games on this plays-org website, the games I like besides my childhood classic games are simulation games, namely open restaurant simulations. This game is a game about speed, as soon as we serve visitors seems like we have a real restaurant, I'm very excited to play this. I want you to feel the fun playing it too where mothers and children at home get an exciting games, so you can try it just by clicking this Open Restaurant simulation games.

Open restaurant simulation games in plays.org

If you are moms and dads who feel you run out of ideas to make children play at home, you can try playing this. There are no sentences and scenes that are harmful to the eyes or ears of kids on this site. Even if you have children who cannot read and write, they can still be invited to play here for toddlers such as playing puzzles, drawing, connecting dots and various pre-school games. Fyi, this free web game can be used by all ages with the genre you like.

The most important thing is that because all of this is free, you don't have to worry about spending a lot of internet bills, absolutely not. If you have tried it please mention me to share the story on social media, I will be very happy to see many other mothers feel pleasure like me.

stay at home, playing free-games

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  1. wah interesting banget website plays.org ini aku ceki2 banyak banget games yg bisa dimainin sama anak2 di rumah. menarik nih nanti habis belajar aku mau coba sama anak2 deh

  2. menarik nih, bisa main bareng anak di open restaurant simulation game. selain seru anak-anak juga jadi bisa merasa punya restoran sendiri ya

  3. playing games together at home is one of the best options we have during this pandemic yaa amba. I would like to try the one you recommended here as well..

  4. wah iya, main game bersama anak bisa menjadi aktivitas yang menyenangkan saat di rumah saja ya mbak
    anak pasti juga lebih hepi karena main bareng ortunya

  5. Bunda percaya para moms dikala apapun tdk akan kehabisan idea utk mengajak anak2 mereka bermain krn all moms are usually brilliant and they are able to find easily any link by searching in google like the one you did. So have fine with w/ur kids no matter what.

  6. I also like to play game when I get bored. It's can refresh my brain and also make my eyes not sleepy anymore

  7. This pandemic really push our limit as parents. Stay at home all the time i have to devide my time between works and some quality time with family. I tried making my own simplr game for my toddler and some time looking up for new ideas too. Gotta try those game that you have mentioned. Thanks

  8. yes mba, pandemic really changed every single things in our life especially how we manage kids and gadget. to be honest I used to quite strict in using gadget for my kid before. nowadays they have to play with it. btw thanks for recommnedation... I ll show play.org to my kids also

  9. Sepertinya menarik banget ya games yang ada di web tersebut. Masih was-was nih, bakal bikin anak ketagihan games gak sih?

  10. Wah wah makasih mbak Retno infonya. Ini bisa buat alternatif aktivitas anak main di rumah aja.
    Saat pandemi blm jelas kyk skrng saya sendiri blm izinkan anak terlalu banyak main di luar rumah, paling sesekali aja. Emang tugas ortu nyariin kegiatan yang menarik yaa

  11. Wah wah makasih mbak Retno infonya. Ini bisa buat alternatif aktivitas anak main di rumah aja.
    Saat pandemi blm jelas kyk skrng saya sendiri blm izinkan anak terlalu banyak main di luar rumah, paling sesekali aja. Emang tugas ortu nyariin kegiatan yang menarik yaa

  12. Asik abnget ya...buka plays.org dan merasakan bermain bersama di gadget tanpa harus instal aplikasi. Pasti tetap hemat space penyimpanan niih..

  13. Since pandemi kept us at home, my first child always ask me everyday to play with her with her own game. Yes, she like to make a game, almost every day, haha.

    And now, I will give advice her to try this one, plays.org

  14. Wowww, you've found a fun solution so your children will never get bored. Playing games are so fun and interesting, indeed as long as we just keep an eye of them and give time limitation.

  15. Nah, ini game solusi buat para mom's yang selalu is the best buat keluarganya, anak dan suami. Apalgi saat covid melanda, lebih banyak waktu di rumah saja. Ya, dei pada di rmah gak ngapain, cocok dan seru bila bisa main game bareng itu.

  16. Ahaiii, ini yang aku cari Mbaaa
    Menyenangkan banget kalo udah ketemu free games yg bisa untuk seru2an ibu dan anak
    Bisa ningkatkan bonding juga, ye kan.

  17. Whoa, cool game site and they have plenty games. Will recommend this site to my nieces.

  18. Agree with you, Mbak. I think playing game one solution, especially for kids. Now, we don't get borred again if we must to stay at home. We can fun each together while playing game. And thank to you, for this information, Mbak. I will trying that game cause i like playing game

  19. ketimbang bete dan ngga punya kerjaan sampe bosa dirumah gegara pandemi mending bermain game supaya pintar di plays.org . pilihan nya banyak dan seru banget

  20. SImple game like building restaurant can make our kids learn simple bisnis rules

  21. AKu juga main di plays.org doonk....
    Rasanya nostalgia banget menemukan tempat bermain dan permainannya klasik begini.

    Waiit, wait...
    Am i should say in english?

  22. Pas banget neh, saat pandemi gini anak-anak butuh hiburan yang nggak ngebosenin. Main game memang seru, apalagi ini nggak usah instal-instal aplikasi ya dan mainnya di laptop.

  23. Oh my God, the website contains list of games and all of them are...FREE? It reminds me to a computer room in my elementary school which also provides games. Most of my friend would like to play it before the class start. Anyway, I already visited the website and I think I'd like to try some! :D Quite easy because we don't need to install any.

  24. Apalagi dimasa landemi..gini anak banyak dirumah...bjar gak bisen bisa main game yg mengedukasi buat anak..juga menjdi cara untuk kedekatan ibu dan anak..


Terimakasih sudah meluangkan waktu membaca tulisan saya, Semoga bermanfaat. Ambil baiknya tinggalkan buruknya. Silakan tinggalkan komen yang santun ya tapi jangan tinggalin link hidup dan jangan berkomentar anonim ya. Apalah arti tulisan saya tanpa kehadiran kalian..